Harbor and Bridge is a ministry born out of the hope SUMC has for loving and serving our neighbors in new ways. It began with the question: What would it look like to extend our passion and urgency for all to know God’s love, into a new place? The answer began in early 2020 when Harbor and Bridge started serving the Ohio City neighborhood. Like many places, there is a noticeable hunger in the community. Some are hungry for healthy groceries or economic stability; while others crave meaningful connection and a chance to love and be loved. Both physical and divine cravings exist in all of us, so the Harbor and Bridge ministry seeks to gather in faith, become transformed by Christ, and make love our aim.
Pastor Matt Whisenhunt serves as director of this new ministry. With support from SUMC, Harbor and Bridge continues to offer its many resources to help shape the community for good. For example, the Blessing Box sits at the corner of the building as a 24/7 offering of food and toiletries to neighbors in need. Additionally, bicycles remain an important mode of both transportation and recreation for many people. H&B accepts donated bikes; from there we work with the Link Up Bike Ministry out of Rocky River UMC to fix them up to safe and rideable standards, and then deliver them to residents in the area. And the facility itself is equipped and prepared to be a space for neighbors to teach classes, hold meetings, and connect over a common purpose. God is working through the faith and action of SUMC to see something be planted, watered, and growing in the name of Christ!
Click here to visit the Harbor and Bridge website and learn more.